Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thoughts on Wine

Hey guys! I think that after about three months of wine blogging, it's time for some reflection. Let's remember that the point of all of this isn't to just review particular wines. There's millions of different wines of different vintages out there, what difference will knowing about just a few specific ones really do for you, anyways?

The point of all of this is that I'm new to this wine-world. I'm trying to see how wine influences me and how it could possibly influence you, too.

So far, after just three short months, my life has changed dramatically. From reading wine journals between classes, tasting wines about four times a week, and most importantly- talking about wine, voids in my life that I didn't even know were there have been filled.

If you're already submerged in the infinite wine world, awesome. You know what I'm talking about. If not, I strongly suggest you try to get into it. It couldn't hurt to try. There's so much more to wine than just drinking it. It's more novel than text. You'll come out of it with a new sense of wonder. If you don't have the means to get into the wine world yet, then take my word for it fellas, when you can,  just dip your foot in the pool. The water isn't cold, it feels unbelievable.

You'll learn about things that you had no idea even existed. You'll experience spectacular flavors and scents, and you'll understand why wines express themselves the way they do. You'll open your eyes to see that wine isn't just a commodity, it's a living, breathing organism. Finally, the most fantastical thing you'll do, is have the extreme pleasure and opportunity to talk about wine. The possibilities for basic conversation about wine are endless, and needless to say, beautiful. Think about the friendships you'll make over a bottle of wine, or better yet, think about the things you'll find out about people you've known your entire life whilst talking about something entirely new for you.

It's a little premature for me to declare my love for the wine world, so I'll put that on hold for another day. However, I can confidently say that after just three months of wine blogging, I feel I've opened a million different doors for myself (You can probably tell by now that I'm about four glasses deep by now.)

Anyways, wine has done this for me. If wine isn't your thing, I appreciate your reading this because it gives me great pleasure to know that I'm acknowledged on the interwebs. Furthermore, if wine isn't your thing: find your thing, and let me know what it is. I'd love to try whatever it is, too. As usual, thanks for reading!

PS: Coming later this week is really special wine! Stay tuned!

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